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Holografika is a Hungarian venture active in the field of emerging photonic technologies. The company invented and developed a proprietary light-field technology in glasses-free 3D visualisation, including real 3D display devices, software applications, cameras and 3D data compression solutions and holds several patents and trademarks.
The company has developed and been selling its proprietary 3D HoloVizio displaying systems since 2004.
In the last couple of years the company finished the development of its large-scale rear- and front projection systems and recently a full-angle 30” monitor-style display as well.
These HoloVizio equipment have been demonstrated and sold all over the world.
Holografika has been involved in several R&D projects funded by Hungarian National Programs and European Union’s Framework Program FP6, FP7 and Horizon2020. The R&D activities focus on developing next generation holographic 3D displays and inherent 3D applications in different fields of industries e.g. health, car-design, broadcasting, etc. The company established important partnerships and cooperation with large international players like BAE Systems, Shell, Peugeot-Citroen, Renault, Technicolor, Philips, Videoton, Sony, Samsung and important European IT companies and institutes like CRS4, CS, Inria and several universities and institutes all over the world.
Above projects and development work can only be carried out by those enthusiastic people: an international team of software engineers, optical engineers, hardware developers, holographers, who by now have acquired interdisciplinary skills all linked to real 3D. This knowledge allows the team to implement this pioneer development, which has a good chance to establish the future standard for a 3D light-field platform.


Holografika’s 3D display technology will make 3DTV in homes a reality: to deliver interactive television programs and games to millions of families around the world. The locations and actors are rendered in virtual 3D for the viewer to zoom in and out, view different perspectives of a scene, even seeing a different program from left and right directions. With a greater number of available broadcast television channels, alliances can be formed to create unique and distinctive 3D content.


HoloVizio trademark

Light Field trademark


In 1989 Tibor Balogh started his private entrepreneurship as an electric engineer/holographer aiming at designing and producing conventional holograms. In 1990 his group recognised the outstanding business opportunity in the embossed hologram technology for security purposes, mostly applied on credit cards, bank notes etc. In time the manufacturing of embossed holograms became an independent business; meanwhile the company’s intellectual resources were rearranged for new challenges.

Starting from 1992 the recruitment of the new development team began from major universities of Hungary like Eötvös Loránd University of Science (ELTE) and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE) aiming to develop the world first “true” 3D-visualisation device. At the end of 1996 Holografika was established as a private company. The company took part in various opto-electronical development projects e.g. development of special head-mounted display and optical data storage and sold also its development capacity, in the field, for external contractors. Between 1996 and 1999 the Company run a joint development project with Sony. Within the framework of this cooperation Holografika developed the first laser-based 3D display prototype by 1997 and a number of technologies and 3D related patents.

From this time on, thanks to the team’s enthusiasm, it took only three years to build the first true-colour holographic display prototype.

Investor relations

So far Holografika financed its R&D activities from its operation profit, national and EU grants. The company closed the first round of investment at the end of 2004 with the largest Hungarian electronics manufacturer, Videoton Holding, in order to extend its business operation on the emerging market of 3D technologies and secure its own contribution required for the various R&D projects.
To finance the expansion of international sales and distribution activities, the Company considers further investment. Holografika is also open to establish strategic alliances or partnerships with companies that consider emerging 3D visualization an attractive target and a booming industry of the coming years.


Holografika is a founding member of the 3D@Home Consortium, now part of the International 3D Society.
Holografika is a contributor of the International Committee for Display Metrology (SID-ICDM), participating in the creation of the IDMS (Information Display Measurement Standard).

C80 glasses-free 3D cinema

HoloVizio C80 glasses-free 3D cinema system

Product Specification